Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Grade 8 day

Grade 8 day was a very...interesting experience. I realized many thing that day, the first thing I realized is that I really like apple juice, the second thing I realized is that grade 8s are not very good at listening to instructions (or maybe it was just the batch of grade 8s in my group). I somewhat enjoyed that day, although I wish that grade 8s enjoyed those games because I sure enjoyed the games we played. I realized that I, as a grade 10, actually enjoyed playing games unlike the grade 8s who felt they were boring. I guess as a grade 10 student I realize the value of that free time and take advantage of it and have fun. It was difficult to get the grade 8s to listen and to have fun (I guess you can't force someone to have fun). I have mixed feeling about that day, I mean the pizza and apple juice were delicious, but the grade 8s...the grade 8s...were not as childish as I thought they would be(in simple words annoying). I probably thought they would be more childish because I guess I was childish when I was in grade 8( I still am pretty childish though...). Overall I quite enjoyed grade 8 day, I met a lot of grade 8s. 

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