Thursday, December 11, 2014

My issue

My issue: I would love for everything to be my issue, but after thinking about it a lot, my issue NOW is the environment and possibly helping girls around the world to the right of education, to the freedom of getting married when they want to and if they want, to help girls become a power. I want to preserve the environment I don't want it to get worse for the sake of my children's children. This is my issue now. 

Inspiring videos

Yesterday we watched three presentation which were very very inspiring. The first predation was of david Suzuki's daughter giving a speech about our generations future and the future of the invironment. This speech was very eye-opening, after watching that speech I really wanted to do something, get involved, with saving the future of earth as well as bringing environmental awareness. The second video was a poem in which at first was very negative to my generation and was explaining how my generation would ruin the earth, but then the poem reversed and began to explain how my generation could save this planet and how we could bring change. The third video was a Ted talk video about how there are no superheroes but instead there is us. This presentation made me realize that I can do something, that I could bring change or affect someone or something from just where I am and I don't have to have a lot of money and that all I need is a motive or desire to keep going and to fight for a cause I believe in. We also watched a speech from Malala. Malala's speech was...inspiring, a lot of thoughts went through my head including a few of these, "why is it that this one girl passionately was education for girls and children yet I who lives in a first world country prays for day when there's no school?" Or " why is it that here girls and other students will skip school or spend class texting on their phones and have no interest in learning and yet where Malala lived girls would do anything to go to school, and if they did they would be threatened that if they go to school they would die?" I realized that I should be grateful that I am able to learn, that I am able to go to school for free, without having to worry that my school would get blown up or that terrorists would attack my school bus and shoot me for going to school. I realized that education is a gift that should be respected, not taken advantage of. I really truly want to help girls and children who don't have the luxury to learn or go to school. I want to make education a universal priority. The last video was a video how one person started dancing and created a movement, after this video I became inspired to be a lone nut or a first follower. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Everyday when I come to class and enter the portable door I have a positive attitude, I try to say hi to my classmates and sometimes I ask how they are doing. I try to treat everyone equally, its pretty easy because almost everyone is a girl. I listen to every ones voice and acknowledge voices that want to be heard but aren't heard. I think my creativity is pretty good, I still think i need work on it. I respect all my classmates, myself, my teacher and the time given to me in class. I don't have many complaints about the work that we do, in fact I enjoy a lot of the outdoor activities we do such as farming, blackberry bush removal, litter picking, and etc. I work better in groups or team, I enjoy working with other though  I think I should try to be in a group with others to have a fun experience with them. I am committed to leadership class, i come to every class. I really enjoy the outdoor activities that i have done in class. my favourite is blackberry bush removal. -----still need to write more-------

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tree planting

Tree planting, probably the most entertaining day, the day of tree planting I had my Japanese with me. In total there were 3 Japanese buddies and we were supposed to get into groups. I was in in a group with Miki and Sophie and the Japanese buddies were in a group together. It was very, very rainy that day. I tried to dress appropriately, I even wore my old tights which I didn't like, but the only thing I forgot was and extra pair of clothes...oops...I have experience in tree planting so I knew what I was doing. In total I planted 4 plants, 3 with Sophie and Miki and 1 with Prabhneet. I enjoyed tree planting and hope to do it again(when the weather is better). 

Grade 8 day

Grade 8 day was a very...interesting experience. I realized many thing that day, the first thing I realized is that I really like apple juice, the second thing I realized is that grade 8s are not very good at listening to instructions (or maybe it was just the batch of grade 8s in my group). I somewhat enjoyed that day, although I wish that grade 8s enjoyed those games because I sure enjoyed the games we played. I realized that I, as a grade 10, actually enjoyed playing games unlike the grade 8s who felt they were boring. I guess as a grade 10 student I realize the value of that free time and take advantage of it and have fun. It was difficult to get the grade 8s to listen and to have fun (I guess you can't force someone to have fun). I have mixed feeling about that day, I mean the pizza and apple juice were delicious, but the grade 8s...the grade 8s...were not as childish as I thought they would be(in simple words annoying). I probably thought they would be more childish because I guess I was childish when I was in grade 8( I still am pretty childish though...). Overall I quite enjoyed grade 8 day, I met a lot of grade 8s.