Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Everyday when I come to class and enter the portable door I have a positive attitude, I try to say hi to my classmates and sometimes I ask how they are doing. I try to treat everyone equally, its pretty easy because almost everyone is a girl. I listen to every ones voice and acknowledge voices that want to be heard but aren't heard. I think my creativity is pretty good, I still think i need work on it. I respect all my classmates, myself, my teacher and the time given to me in class. I don't have many complaints about the work that we do, in fact I enjoy a lot of the outdoor activities we do such as farming, blackberry bush removal, litter picking, and etc. I work better in groups or team, I enjoy working with other though  I think I should try to be in a group with others to have a fun experience with them. I am committed to leadership class, i come to every class. I really enjoy the outdoor activities that i have done in class. my favourite is blackberry bush removal. -----still need to write more-------